Dear blog, sorry that i've abandoned you for such a long time...
Well you see now im in a new work environment..not so new though..have been in this company since July 2011. Work pretty having this new title "married" also a life changing.. not that i dont have time for you but the time that i have i spent it by talking to Joe instead of you..poor you..and im sorry..will have to try harder to talk to you more...
so here we are..again....miss u though....
my world my life
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Monday, March 26, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012

Presenting..... the newly wed ... Mr & Mrs Johari A. Daud...
Phewwww..Finally....after 10years of 'kawan2' ,now here we are finally married on the 25th February do i feel right now???
Blessed , should be the right word..
I am blessed to be married to someone that i am so much in love with....
I am blessed coz our kenduri berjalan lancar..(of coz there's drama here n there, but no big ones)
I am blessed all of my family members (this includes all aunties, uncles, cousin etc..) are so helpful and gigih menolong for the kenduri...
Im not goin into details of the wedding day(not yet!!)..not in the mood..Im gonna post bout how I feel being newly wed..(mostly to document) in future I could read back and reminisce all these memories..
Im scared, coz everything changes, I always hated changes, its one thing bout me that not many people know..the process tu yg I hated the most, coz its hard to be comfortable with new things, have to make adjustment first but once dah settle,then baru rasa relief..
The First change that I hated the most was.....leaving my 3 cats(move out to new home)..Goldie, Toti n Kimi..uhhh everytime balik umah after office mesti cari diorg dulu but now :'( ...even as writing this rasa nak nangis..RINDU wooo kat budak2 tu, but nasib my new home tak jauh from before,huhuhu sengajekan nak drama hahaha..bout 15min drive jer my home to adik's(where my cats at)..
The second change..kat umah baru takde Astro..klu tau pas register 2 minggu baru dpt installation dah lame call even before masuk umah..dah ari2 layan movie jer..takde rutin..takleh layan drama balik I never knew I would missed Buletin Utama that much muahahaha..but fear not *utk diri sendiri*..Sabtu ni Astro dtg buat installation huhuhu..bley tgk Buletin Utama balik....
Ok what else do I hate..hrmm let see...ohh ya..tempat parking..sgt susah nak dpt..klu kluar mlam confirm kena double park and tak letak handbreak..selama almost 3minggu duduk umah baru tu, nasib baik baru buat skali mlm2 kita org kluar naik moto jerrrr..
Hrmm ape lagi yg tak best..................tu je kot..............yg lain bole compromise...
what do I love the most....ari2 dpt 'dating' with my joe..this beats all the thing that I hate..I am more organise now..takde2 der nak mandi/makan ikut mood sorang, kena bersepakat ngan joe dulu (he is more organise than me) ..dunno how to explain the feeling.............what's the opposite word for emptiness???most probably that's how I feel now...
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Trans Studio entrance with collegue
Kg Daun with colleague's wives n kids
Sapu Lidi- Sundanese restaurant
Padang restaurant
anak2 bosses..
At Trans Studio..abis all adult jadi cam budak2 main kat sini..
Trans Studio ni a indoor Theme Park..klu pegi reramai satu kepala mmg best..
one of the many Sundanese Restaurant, Kg Daun..klu gi Bandung wajiblah kesini..boleh makan2 dlm pondok2 bawah pokok..and yeah tempat ni sejuk skit, mcm kat Genting.
Rumah Mode
Some of my colleague
Tulah sebahagian gambar2 from Bandung, klu ada kelapangan n kerajinan nanti saya upload lagi.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
firstly tabik hormat pada yang selalu update blog...
Semalam baru balik dari Bandung, company trip, fully sponsored, siap dpt duit shopping lagi..yer sila jelous sekarang hahahah..
it was so so so so much fun..and its the first time i went for a trip outside of the country without family.biasa family was fun.. it was different..
dok bandung 5 hari and stayed at Arion Swiss belhotel.. all we did shopping jer plus a visit to Trans Studio (ala-ala universal studio).. i went to bandung before with family and did all the tourisy(wujud ke perkataan ni) no point nak naik tangkuban perahu lagikan..tapi kesian for those yg tak dpt pegi..
company siap sponsered all family member..angkut anak beranak semua..our company not that big..staf ada 16 org yg pergi adalah dlm 40 org..
nak crite mmg la banyak..but skrg takde idea nak luahkan pengalaman2 itu semua... email domain office keja tak banyak bole buat hehehehe..tu yg tetiba singgah blog ni jap..
ok seee u later..
Friday, December 16, 2011
What A Year
Ya Allah..Syukur..
Tak lame lagi dah nak kawin..finally!!!and yeah of coz with my joe..
segala persiapan sedang rancak dibuat..upacara merisik telah berlansung di ampang umah makde pada 20.11.2011..gamba kat fb banyak.
Tarikh nikah would be on the 25.2.2012..the reception will be 26.2.2012 at Kuala Lipis and 3.3.2012 at Kuching Sarawak (insyaallah tiada pertukaran tarikh,mane tau kot2 ada pilihanraya,dewan tak leh pakai)..kad kawin dlm proses..jemput hadir sekalian yer.. and shafik the brother is also getting married,tarikh nikah dia a week earlier than mine(i think,banyak sgt tarikh sampai lupa,last week dia tunang)
Smlam gi buat HIV test, skrg dah wajib to all Malaysian, mmg suspen, -negatif is a good thing when you received the buat punyalah jauh..nun kat langat,tapi best sbb takyah nak tgu2,tak ramai org kat klinik kesihatan kat kg nih..
Thanks to sedara mare n friends yg sentiasa di sisi menolong..tugasan memasing dah tau kan..tak tau tanya bapak...hahaha my wedding planner or adik also the wedding planer..
Alhamdullilah dgn segala rezeki kurniaan Nya..Amin..
Will try to update more on this blog..
P/S Akak(teeny): how come zukry so LUCKY..goin to London for free!!!! boleh test the weather dulu befor your 2nd london honeymoon..guess i'll be getting wedding gift from london then :P
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