Semalam gi raub ada kenduri sedare..pergh dia punya panas usah citelah..ditambah pulak jln jammed sbb ada perarakan thaipusam kan..pelik betul asal banyak temple yg tepi main road ni..kat kenduri tu jumpa ja and her twins..tulah first time dpt jumpa twins dia,tapi tak sempat sembang lelame coz tumpang maktam n nak kena singgah bentong lak for suprise party wande...
sampai lak bentong trus naik rest house where the party went with maktam,paktam,ika n mak..we all sampai the same time as makteh n family...but tak sempat la nak suprise kan birthday girl coz kitaorg kira lambat sampai..but wande seems so ceria..menjadi lah suprise tu gamaknya..jumpa soraya who call herself Princess Aurora lately..i dont know why...and just masuk darjah i interview her bout was fine she said,but i hate bm n pendidikan seni hehehe..i get it if she hate BM(coz i hate it too)hahaha but pendidikan seni hrmmm..i donno how to draw dia ckp especialy bila guna crayon katanye,kalau salah tak boleh padam hehehe..cute jer bila dia cite psl skolah (serious sgt bunyinya)hehehe..
semalm all the traveling seems ok with me,but today rasa mabuk la pulak..pening siot kepala maybe all the travel +panas+jammed tu..tapi asal ari ni lak rasa..adoooiiii....
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Hati ini Dlm kerinduan..kah kah kah
hahahaha tajuk post yg sngat poyo....penggunaan bahasa melayu amatlah mengerikan telinga hahaha...but i do miss joe...lame dah oooo tak jumpa..tetiba today rasa rindu rinduanlah pulok hehehehe...called him,told him i miss him..he just laughed hehehehe..i know ..he seldom heard me say that...not that i dont miss him all this while..just jarang say it out loud to him....he miss me too he said OUT LOUD...wah bebunga bunga rasa dihati hahahah(again penggunaan bahasa melayu amat mengerikan telinga).....he said ,sabar tak lame lagi dah kaki joe ni baik,nanti kita jumpe ye(di transelate ke bahasa melayu..joe ckp sarawak with me)
I do miss him but bila dah tua2 ni tak lah sampai menggangu kehidupan harian...takdelah sampai makan tak kenyang mandi tak basah cool with it..but sometimes u know lah hormon dtg menyerang ari ni dah dozens of sms i received from him hehehe...and thank god for video call and ym..
ok nak sambung buat valentine bouquet..nanti dah snap pics i put in this blog..
I do miss him but bila dah tua2 ni tak lah sampai menggangu kehidupan harian...takdelah sampai makan tak kenyang mandi tak basah cool with it..but sometimes u know lah hormon dtg menyerang ari ni dah dozens of sms i received from him hehehe...and thank god for video call and ym..
ok nak sambung buat valentine bouquet..nanti dah snap pics i put in this blog..
Monday, January 25, 2010
Gulai lemak patin
Teringin makan gulai lemak patin yg pedas..hrmm sedap nyer..mane nak cari kat kolumpo nih..
5 posts for one day including this one hahahahahah.....
5 posts for one day including this one hahahahahah.....
bubur durian
berjaya membuat bubur durian utk family day meeting semalam...guna durian kuala atok ngan gula kabong lipis..skit jer dpt buat..nasib baik makde pun ada buat..gambar tak dak..sila bayangkan sendiri saje dlm kepala...
untuk sedare mare ismayatim
assalamualaikum semua...
ok semua dah tau 13/2/2010-14/2/2010 nih another family day wil be held at ancasa port dickson..beberapa ajk telah dirombak..sila cek email terbaru dari maktam yati utk maklumat lanjut..jgn lupa this year kita ada theme utk each family ok...and sesape yg nak sponser hadiah2 utk aktiviti or lucky draw boleh bagi tau kat baby/humaira(ajk hadiah utk tahun ni) lagi bnyak hadiah di sponser lagi ramai boleh dpthadiah..
semalam dah ada buat meeting..ramai gak yg
see u all there....
ok semua dah tau 13/2/2010-14/2/2010 nih another family day wil be held at ancasa port dickson..beberapa ajk telah dirombak..sila cek email terbaru dari maktam yati utk maklumat lanjut..jgn lupa this year kita ada theme utk each family ok...and sesape yg nak sponser hadiah2 utk aktiviti or lucky draw boleh bagi tau kat baby/humaira(ajk hadiah utk tahun ni) lagi bnyak hadiah di sponser lagi ramai boleh dpthadiah..
semalam dah ada buat meeting..ramai gak yg
see u all there....
sederet gambar
Last sunday i went back to lipis untuk makan durian..luckly my granfather ada dusun durian kat kg kuala atok(30mins from kuala lipis)..makde n maktam with family pun ada dtg..
sampai2 tu dah kul 9am kot..bapak dah ada kat situ kutip durian with the caretaker pakcik tahar sedare arwah takyah ahh susah2 gi kutip sendiri..dusun tu kat lereng bukit woo susah nak cari...yg best nye kat kaki bukit tu ada sungai..tuu mcm gambar kat bawah tu..pergh nak turun gi tgk sungai tu ok lagi..bila nak naik balik kat tempat berkumpul tu masyaalah rasa mcm peha goin numb dah..masa "panjat" bukit tu tak leh diri straight or u fall back..thats how curam the bukit is but nasib baik dah disimen kan jln2 nak masuk dusun tu..clear lah lets just see the pics coz i malas to write already hehehe..
gambar ni ambik when half through turun bukit nak tgk sungai..

sampai2 tu dah kul 9am kot..bapak dah ada kat situ kutip durian with the caretaker pakcik tahar sedare arwah takyah ahh susah2 gi kutip sendiri..dusun tu kat lereng bukit woo susah nak cari...yg best nye kat kaki bukit tu ada sungai..tuu mcm gambar kat bawah tu..pergh nak turun gi tgk sungai tu ok lagi..bila nak naik balik kat tempat berkumpul tu masyaalah rasa mcm peha goin numb dah..masa "panjat" bukit tu tak leh diri straight or u fall back..thats how curam the bukit is but nasib baik dah disimen kan jln2 nak masuk dusun tu..clear lah lets just see the pics coz i malas to write already hehehe..


petai ni pakcik tahar ngan anak dia panjat pokok petik kan petai utk kitaorg..katanye sedap sgt petai fresh dont do petai hehehe....


antara durian yg baru gugur the night before..punya la payah nak bukak..
antara pokok durian..kalau ada yg tak kenal lah..
ini sebahagian hasil utk pagi tu jeh...

all the way down to sungai dlm dusun tu...
dont be mistaken..yg ni bukan sungai yg dlm dusun(still its the same river though)setelah berpenat2 di dusun durian(makan durian je lebih bukan kutip kan pun hehehe)we all went to jeram besu to freshen up...sungai ni besar n deras tak sesuai utk mandi..biasanya ada aktiviti rafting kat sini..provided by resort or hotel kat lipis tu..

mula2 posing jer...sejuk owhhh air sungai ni..dah lah peluh2 aksi sebelum..few mins later dah baring dah dlm air nih giler...kat sini tak ambik gambar sgt coz takut hp masuk air..gambar ni pun maktam yg ambik kan..

me the first one who go down there..pas mandi2 tu kitaorg gi makan kat kedai makan yg ada jual lauk2 kg..i ate gulai patin with tougeh..seeeeddaaappppp giiiiileeeerrrr...adoh rasa nak balik lipis lah pulak...for the weekend tu penuh keta maktam n makde bawak balik durian to kl..mmg best giler semua durian tu.....fuhhh....



all the way down to sungai dlm dusun tu...


mula2 posing jer...sejuk owhhh air sungai ni..dah lah peluh2 aksi sebelum..few mins later dah baring dah dlm air nih giler...kat sini tak ambik gambar sgt coz takut hp masuk air..gambar ni pun maktam yg ambik kan..

me the first one who go down there..pas mandi2 tu kitaorg gi makan kat kedai makan yg ada jual lauk2 kg..i ate gulai patin with tougeh..seeeeddaaappppp giiiiileeeerrrr...adoh rasa nak balik lipis lah pulak...for the weekend tu penuh keta maktam n makde bawak balik durian to kl..mmg best giler semua durian tu.....fuhhh....
Friday, January 15, 2010
Susah nak kongsi
Dah 1 year since i started this blog...suddenly i realize i dont like to share my personal life stories wit strangers..hehehe lawak kan..buat blog tapi tak nak kongsi..jap2 bukan tak nak..susah kit nak kongsi...heheh..but i will try..
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
assalamualaikum semua...
WHAT????..TOBI THAT SICK..i almost started to cry..bapak ckp masa tu dah 2 kali bawak tobi gi vet...but in my mind i just ignore what mak said...buat2 mcm takde ape2...tapi since the called from bapak i jadi tak senang duduk,so i called adik...
a few minits later(time ni dah ptg dah)adik call me balik..
MISS U TOBI N other cats can replace them..right now rasa2 mcm tak nak bela kucing dah...but who knows in the future..mak pun dah dermakan cage besar kat pejabat haiwan..
aloooo everybody...sudah sekian lame saya tidak menjenguk blog ini..hehehe...biasalah busy hehehe..seriously mmg busy...bln nov until dec mmg busy months for me...first there's xmas, not that i celebrate xmas just tolong org lain celebrate..u know lah my shop jual cards n xmas gifts all the energy went to my job..even game kat fb pun tersisih 2 bln nih....but still lots of things happen to my during the time since my last post...
The most devasted thing that happen would be bout my cats, tobi n priety died...walaupun kucing2ku ini mak yang bela di lipis nun..tapi my cats ni slalu dtg kl...gosh i miss them :( even writing about them pun rasa nak nangis...on the 30th dec around noon i received a call from bapak saying that tobi was sick..and i thought kan sakit biasa2 i said to him
"meh ah bawak tobi gi vet kat sini"..
tiba2 in the background i heard my mak said
"tak sempat dah tu nak bawak kl"...
WHAT????..TOBI THAT SICK..i almost started to cry..bapak ckp masa tu dah 2 kali bawak tobi gi vet...but in my mind i just ignore what mak said...buat2 mcm takde ape2...tapi since the called from bapak i jadi tak senang duduk,so i called adik...
"adik...ada tak bapak call kamu?"
"takde pun"
"hrmm mak?"
"takde pun...nape?"
"bapak kat tobi sakit lah"
"hah..tobi sakit!!teruk ke?"
"entah..mak kata tak sempat bawak ke vet kl nih"
"hah..jap2 adik call bapak"
a few minits later(time ni dah ptg dah)adik call me balik..
"kaklong jom balik lah tgk tobi..mak kata dia sakit sgt"
long story short we went back to lipis that day just to see tobi lying in a basket lifeless :(..turn out he died just an hour before we reached lipis...tu pun adik dah bawak laju2 keta...mak selimutkan tobi..when i saw him,i just hold my tears..nampak mcm tobi tido je...tak nampak pun kotor ke busuk ke..i hold him..lembut lagi bulu dia,yup he died :( he did not respond...bila adik tgk lak tobi trus dia nangis..and me yg konon2 nyer macho pun trus we treated our cats like a family member(which is not good,coz i felt the lost to menikam kalbu betul)...after that(still crying)me,bapak n adik gi umah tok utk tanam kan tobi..i put him in the hole that was dig by angah earlier...adoh sebak betul no more more walk the cat(yup tobi pandai jln2 pakai tali more fetch(yup tobi pandai main fetch with his fav toy,zoey)and mlm2 pun tak rasa dah berat je selimut kat kaki bila tobi dtg tido wit more all of that
He died of virus attack..according to the vet its kind of new virus and over there dah banyak kucing mati sbb virus tu yg attack suddenly..tak sampai sehari pun virus tu attack tobi,he died..
Then ada sekor lagi Priety...she also kena virus tu,maybe berjangkit ngan tobi..all the simtoms are there..duduk at one place,tak larat,temp drop suddenly,telinga sejuk and kaki kat belakang almost cannot be we thought Priety would die the next day...we let her stay in the house(mmg everynite pun our cats ni duk dlm umah je...
So the next like mak tak sanggup gi tgk Priety, in case she already bapak gi cari..thank god she still alive then...and looks better than the nite for almost 5 days we nursed her..suap kan makan,cucikan badan(coz this time Priey kencing kuar darah)..suap kan air,antibiotik..thats all we can do for her coz mmg takde ubat for this on sunday, me n adik kena balik kl dah..up to mak n bapak lak nursed her..that time she's getting better but still doesnt want to not putting so much hope though,coz she still sick...we called mak everyday tanyakan priety..but on the next saturday (9th jan) i received sms from bapak.
"Priety dah jumpa tobi kat umah tok"
i called bapak..
"Priety dah takde?"
"ha ah..baru je tadi dlm kul satu,mak n neighour sebelah tgu Priety sampai dia takde"
Turn out to be she also could not fight the virus...mak said 2 days before she kept calling for tobi and sat at all tobi's fav spot...SEDEYNYERRRRR...
Now we have no more cats our Tobi n Priety are in other world..
some might say we are so dramatic..maybe we are but the cats were family to us...
Takpelah,tuhan nak pinjamkan Tobi n Priety just for 4 years to us....4 gud years.
MISS U TOBI N other cats can replace them..right now rasa2 mcm tak nak bela kucing dah...but who knows in the future..mak pun dah dermakan cage besar kat pejabat haiwan..



More pictures in my first post..too sad right now to write anything else.

More pictures in my first post..too sad right now to write anything else.
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