Today i had mee hun goreng n nescafe ice kaww for breakfast..i bought mee hun tu kat giant supermarket and the nescafe ais tu buat sendiri...sbb tu dah siap makan...kemas2 skit kedai, straight kan mane yg senget..penuhkan shelves,susun kad,well the usual,of course im not alone now im working with joe,ptg skit nanti mizan will join us(siap la mizan ari ni,stock baru sampai mmg mizan la yg kena kemas ni hahahaha).....must be ready for customers now,today (friday)usualy ramai customers kat maju junction ni....people start coming..gotta stop for a moment now....esk teacher's mesti ramai org beli cards n teacher's day gift ari ni nih...
Tip:DO NOT WAIT TO BUY ANY SEASONAL GIFTS OR CARDS LAST MINUTE..coz there are NOT so many choices left,the good stuff alredy been taken by earlier customer...(yap stock ni abis not just in the shop but warehoese ok..)
Fuhh as i perdicted masih ada lagi yg nak beli teacher's day gift ni...almost finish all my teacher's gift ni..nasib baik smlm dpt kad teacher's day skit...ok now that the lunch break is over customers pun kurang,coz @ maju junction ni mostly the customers are the people who is working in this building or nearby...hopefully after office hour nanti ada ramai lagi org(klu ujan dlm pkl 5pm nanti ok stuck dlm bangunan ni and they tend to shop hahahaha)
Tadi sorang customer just pecah kan one of the magnet...I SAW her took it and somehow it slip through her fingers..of course le kena bayarkan..mula2 banyak magnet(techer's day magnet) dia ambik but pastu dia just bayar yg pecah tu jer,tak jadi beli yang lain...I could have give her some discount but these came out from her mouth.."
TAK JADILAH AKAK BELI YG LAIN TU NANTI BELI2,BAGI KAT CIKGU2 SEMUA PECAH"....geram betul rasa..mane2 magnet kalu dah jatuh atas lantai tu mestilah why not be careful kan dah tau fragile..btw magnet tu dah ada kat sini almost 2 weeks takde satu pun pecah...there u go..satu insiden...sabor jelah...
As im writing there is just one customer..sambil2 tulis ni jeling2 kat dia,a young girl may be in her 20's...just smiled at her...gaye2nye dia nak beli kad ni...aisey dia dah main pulak our noisy card(kad yg ada bunyi/lagu tu,but our's ni imported from uk and damn expensive,just a normal size card could cost u rm20.00)..only range ni je mahal coz its imported..yg lain tu tak mahal coz print kat sini jer(made in malaysia)...jap2 nak layan customer yg ni..bagus nih klu dia beli...yay berjaya jual..she bought the noisy card for her mum's birthday and it cost her RM20.80...ok lah tu..skrg dah tak ada org..joe gi bank gi ambik duit syiling yg tempah smlm...yap that's how we get our change,tukar kat bank jer but it must be minimum RM400.00..hah bayangkan lah betape beratnye nak bawak syiling tu almost same berat ngan sekampit beras medium hehehe..the day its not over yet but now i got to kemas2 (again)kedai ni,nak lunch lagi..hrmm nanti sambung lak ye...mizan dah dtg ni dia masuk keja kul 4pm tapi kul 3pm ni dah ada hehehe..biasanya mizan ni dtg ngan rambut serabai tapi dia bawak gel rambut sendiri,skrg ni dia pegi tempat favorite dia
the toilet hehehe utk menghandsomekan diri..break jap...
I'm back..tup tup skrg ni dah kul 7pm..tadi i stop writing bout 3.30pm...these are the list thing i did just now..
- susun kad
- susun barang
- ajar mizan buat/lipat kotak
- lunch break
- return mother's day card
- serve customer
- ajar mizan buat/lipat kotak
- kluarkan father's day card n display
- ajar mizan buat/lipat kad
Have u notice how many time i have to ajar mizan hahahaha...mmg betui,mizan ni kena ajar banyak kali baru dia dpt(must be patience with him)as long as dia ada usaha nak belajar i dont mind...but sorry lah makde i have to be a bit garang with him or he would not do his work and just talk talk talk talk...klu garang(buatla muka garang skit)baru dia nak concertrate klu tak, cite m.rajoli,waheeda semua kluar..but the good thing is he's willing to learn..skrg keadaan di maju junction ni amatla senyap tak banyak orang dah....
oklah that's it for today...that would be usualy my friday..all day long in maju unction...maybe some other time bole cite pulak pasal hari2 lain..keja kat kedai ni routine nye tak same mcm kat office especially when u have 2 shops..adios see yah.....