Friday, May 1, 2009

Happy Labour Day to everybody like me who is working...i know people have to cuti during this day but im at work..well not that bad considering kl ni mesti penuh ngan org and no point to go out just to berebut,berasak,berlanggar,berkelahi(if u know what i mean)...better i take ari tak public holiday for my off day kan..takyah nak que kat cinema nanti...this week i think i'll watch wolverine,Turning 17(the so yummy zac afron is in this film,ika nak ikot ke????hehehe),The Ghosts of Girlfriends Past,.....thats all i guess yg kluar this month that im interested..

now im at maju junction..its quite today..boring la pulak...thank god for this internet thingy..klu tak mesti bosan tahap cipan hehehe...

For the past few years(2 years to be exact)i would considered myself someone who is buta IT...well masa zaman collage dulu yelah ada la pakai komputer but zaman tu internet ni connection dia pun amat slow,boleh putus2 mcm hp,ada microsof word jer...u know..pas collage tu lansung tak guna computer....tapi memandangkan zaman skrg ni everyone tau psl computer(especially kids)nak taknak kena lah gak celik i bought this laptop,maklumla keja kedai mane ada register adala itupun online....skrg alhamdullilah dah celik IT dah skit...thats why dah ada blog,ada facebook,flixter,twitter.....

Sebenarnya tujuan post ari ni adalah utk cerita bout facebook,twitter etc...tapi tup tup dah pukul 9pm lak..nak balik ahh,nak tgk final one in a fav dah terkuar(amylia)so tak kisah la sape2 pun yg menang...ok chow esk sambung....xoxo..


Zulaikha M. said...

Orang kate Wolverine tu tak best. And ika nak sgt tgk Turning 17! Yay!

Anonymous said...

tulah...ok nanti kita gi tgk turning 17