Thursday, March 19, 2009

Nothing to say ,nothing to do

Hi everyone,i know its been a while since my last post...not that im sooo busy with just the malas thing appear hehehe....nothing much interresting happens these few weeks just the same o same o things such as works, family gathering ..hrmm thats all i guess..
ermm ape lagi nak cakap,well baru2 ni me my cousin(tini) n her fiance went to ssf(jln tar)to buy barang2 utk hantaran..once again i have to do the the hantaran,before this ada buatkan for her engagement..well i cannot tell much about the hantaran(nanti marah plak bride to be tu hehe)but last time during the engagement we did the black n white concept...thats one thing...below the pics of the hantaran during the engagement.. as for the family gathering my parents bawakkan ikan2 sungai yang fresh dari lipis such as patin,baung n ada satu tu that i dunno the name we all bawakkan ikan to umah makde and masak ikan tu masak tempoyak,ada yg digoreng and a few more lauk..hurm yum yum,lapar lak rasa,as for me i dont like sgt ikan sungai ni...but i do like ikan sardin dlm tin tu ..kalau dimasak pedas kering fuhh nikmat....
Ape lagi yer yg terjadi....oh one more thing...PEKAN SEHARI DI SHAH ALAM...last time it was called pekan frinjan,tak tau lak apsal ditukar ke pekan sehari je...tempatnyer di laman menara jam dataran shah alam...this flea market only ada sebulan sekali..dulu every first sunday but now dah the upcoming pekan sehari ni will be on the 25/04/ u ask mengape sibuk2 pasal Pekan Sehari ni..well for one, flea market ni di organise oleh my uncle(paklong amri) and i will be paticipate in the flea market...marilah dtg beramai-ramai kat sane,mostly org2 melayu yg ada...and this flea market quite different coz brg2nya banyak locally made..handmade, contohnye i bought a few earings yang diperbuat dari benang by these youngster..not only i get a new earing but im helping budak2 muda ni berniaga hehehe...u can go to utk tgk barang2 by this aunty(maktam),my sister n i will jual stuff of our own kat flea market tu.. u can aspect handmade cards from me...the good news is kalau nak join jual brg2 kat flea market ni masih sempat lagi..hanya rm20-rm30 sahaja satu meja..memang murah u can sell anything as long as tak melanggar undang-undang negara malaysia..give me a call kalau nak booked meja and i will tell my jom ahh dtg tengok2 k..when the time is near i will remind u guys k...till later ta ta....

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