Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Beginning

Nak ke taknak?malas ke rajin?boleh ke tak boleh?..those were the thoughts that went through my head before I finally decided to create my own blog… )-:

Hopefully I will have the time to maintain this blog….

*edited on 26/8/2014 - deleted few paragraph..

WOW! Best movie of the year!..went to see it twice.. First with joe..second time with mak,bapak n adik(my sister)..n tgk dvd haram adalah dlm 4-5 kali dah(so kira dah tgk dlm 7 kali SETAKAT INI)

Meryl Streep(donna the main character) memang hebat dlm movie ni..suara ok tak mcm Pierce Bosnan(once a upon a time a james bond)..but a good combination...Amanda Seyfried was amazing suka tgk expression dia in this movie…

So I bought the soundtrack ..of course, rather than ABBA’s album coz I like the new arrangement for the music beside Meryl n Amanda nyanyi so compassionate that u can feel the songs..

And of course I went for the musical at istana budaya,well there are more songs in the musical than the movie..but I kinda like the movie more than the musical..stil it was great..i went with adik,maktam’s family,makteh jai’s family,maksu,teeny,baby,hanafiah n mizan…(sedare mare belaka)

I love stories bout vampires…..but the bunuh2 one not the romantic
“I jump u jump” style but..... still I like the movie coz there are still vamps in it…

I read the book first, origin of this was much more better than the movie..more stuff goin on rather than just bout bella n Edward..don’t get me wrong I do love romantic movie..but I do hope there are more action in a vamp type of movie, don’t u think…..back to the book the are sequel to this book…new moon(which I heard gonna turn into movie as well),eclipse n the last one breaking dawn…I read all the books..thanks to ika so eager to read so she actually bought first book(twilight) she also bought the second book(new moon) and gave it to me as my birthday present..she got teeny(our cousin)to bought her the third(eclipse)~for her birthday~ and fourth(breaking dawn)for my birthday…good job between us both we have all the books….The author is stepheni gonna do the spoiler im gonna entertain for those who are so crazy over Edward Cullen in the movie by posting these pics..


mumsie said...

W-E-L-C-O-M-E to blogsphere....

Anonymous said...

tq...waaa blogsphere..nice it..