Monday, January 19, 2009

Up Dates

There are lots of things been goin on for me lambatla skit post baru ni muncul.....antara perkara2 yg berlaku...of course la preparation for the Family Day and works kat kedai..(not to mention i had a cold yg teruk;about a week baru sihat sejahtera hehehe)

So lets start with the work in the kedai...these past few months would be our busy seasons starting from the last xmas holiday..continue with this coming Chinese New Year(26/01/09) and of coz the biggest season for all Memory Lane shop Valentine Day(14/02/09)..

Kenape busy?well sbb nya..during chinese new year(cny) ni cards cny banyak sampai ke kedai..nak menyusun kad ni bukan senang, banyak yg nak kena consider..especially when u have limited space in your slalu ckp kedai kecik senang nak kemas..WRONG!!..lagi susah tau coz we have to display everything with limited space,kalau simpan2 mcm mane nak jual kan,takkan nak suruh customer masuk store pilih brg...lagipun during festive season ni org suka berbelanje(yap walaupun dlm kegawatan ekonomi ni;org msia ni kaya hehehe)so ramai la org di kedai n i have to make sure kedai got enough stock in the shop...beside the shop must be in good condition i mean display kena cantik...bayang kan lah klu kat umah ada 5 org je,dah leceh nak kemas umah kan,ni kan pulak kedai yg ada lebih dari 15 org "menyepahkan" kedai...fuhhh nasib baik ada staff2 lain yg kene buat keja ni EVERYDAY....nuff bout that,baca pun dah rasa penat..jgn lupa beli kad cny for those yg ada chinese friends...
Eventhough Valantine's Day about a month away(remember 14/02/09)tapi kerja2nya telah start dari last month lagi...brg2 Valentine already been send to the shop,not in 1 bulk tapi skit2 la we still receiving items till thing bout keja kat memory lane ni i got to see new cute2 cantik2 hebat2(promote brg nih) yg sampai kat kedai..i like it when i open the box tinggg(sound effect hehe)kuar brg baru....
The thing about Valentine ni org slalu ingat utk boyfriend/girlfriend je..salah tu..valentine ni utk org yg kita sayangi(ceewahh)..that include our parents ke friends2 etc....utk mengeratkan siratulrahim nihh..
Gambar kat atas tu first some of our cny cards...n satu lagi tu our biggest valentine's cards..model tu my sister hehehe....
Last satuday maktam,adik,ika n me went shoping for brg2 family day..i told u so jadi ajk hadiah ni best bole gi mmg hebat hadiah2 for this year..then on sunday we all did the packing,wraping etc..madihah pun ada dtg tolong..Bell pun banyak "tolong" kan ika hehe bell ni ika punya keja2 ni almost 90% done..cant wait for the family day(24/01/09-25/01/09) i cannot put the pics now nanti tak suprise but i leave u with a teezer pic...

Oh ya..sedikit komen tentang anugerah juara lagu...sedikit rasa dispointed stacy tak menang persembahan terbaik..dia boleh nyanyi and dance agresif without suara bergegar thats impresive ape...dari faizai tu(mulalah emotinal ni)...about the juara taktaula nak ckp i do like the song lagi pun lagu2 mlm tu banyak lagu lame so rasa mcm tak best sgtlah...

Golden globe comments..well everything ok la kot coz most of the movies tak tgk lagi..but im also dispointed leonardo tak menang,rasa2 this is his 7th nomination in golden globe tapi tak pernah menang pun...

till we meet again..adios amigosssss...

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