Wednesday, February 18, 2009


i really don want to talk politics in here...but this is not about politic,its about moral come if u are one of the people's leader u do such unmoral thing...yah u know what im talking bout, don't u ,yap its about she decided to "mengundur diri"...tak tahan ngan pressure by all agaknya....

no matter what parti are u from or what race or what religion,there is no excuse here in ckp takpelah dia bukan islam pun..but no religion allow people do bad things right..maybe now it menda biasa2 org lain pun banyak buat for the chinese but im sure its not like that years before...takkan kita nak tutup sebelah mata je kan..

the point is what if years to come menda2 ni biasa di kalangan org2 melayu pulak????????

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